Let's blame Slash !
When I bought the tickets to the swedish rock music festival, "Getaway Rock", I also searched after nice band clothes to wear. After several hours searching stores and Web-shops, I came to the conclusion that there are no really nice rock clothes for females. I had to make my own clothes with my own rock design on...
Beeing a 100% full-blooded Slash fan, and the fact that Slash was playing at the "Getaway Rock Festival", made me start the design of a Slash painting. I searched the Internet and found a picture of him smoking, with his hat and sunglasses on. Earlier I had spillt som paint on my favourite jeans, and I decided to cover this accident by painting the picture I found on them.
I was really satisfied with the jeans, and all the nice comments and attention they got at the festival made me make even more ... So let's blame Slash! It's because of him that I started this...
By the way. I got my hands on a photopass at the earlier mentioned rock festival. So to all of you who loves Slash, great rock music and summer festivals: This picture is for you!